Posted on: September 16th, 2024

Body Acceptance: Embracing Ourselves Where We Are

By: Jessi Kiefor, LMHC-A

Body Acceptance is taking the time to reflect on the idea that we don’t have to love ourselves to begin healingwe just have to stop hating ourselves. This may feel like an impossible task, especially in a world that constantly promotes an idealized version of perfection. Too often, we get stuck in cycles of self-criticism, resentment, or comparison, all of which drain us of the energy we need to move forward. As one quote reminds us, “The energy it takes to harbor anger, hatred, and resentment towards yourself is exhausting.”

This concept isn’t about suddenly loving every part of yourself. It’s about giving yourself permission to exist without judgment. It’s about stopping the internal war—allowing yourself to be okay with who you are in this moment. It’s easy to dwell on the past, especially if it feels like the road behind us was better. Body acceptance isn’t about a destination. It’s about allowing yourself the grace to move through each phase of life without self-loathing. 

One of the biggest challenges in body acceptance is letting go of the idea that we need to control every aspect of our lives, including how we look or how others see us. When we can release the need to control everything, we open ourselves to peace and growth. This freedom allows us to stop obsessing over the things we cannot change and embrace life as it comes.

Body Acceptance is also about recognizing that we are more than our appearance. Our worth is not defined by the size of our clothes, the shape of our body, or how others perceive us. As one reminder states, “What other people think of you is irrelevant if you are secure in who you are.” True security comes from within—cultivating self-compassion and letting go of unrealistic expectations.

By accepting ourselves as we are, without trying to fit a mold, we create space for joy and growth. We can stop holding on to the past, stop comparing ourselves to others, and instead, focus on becoming someone we are proud of. This journey requires courage, but it’s a path that leads to a deeper sense of peace. 

Ultimately, Body Acceptance is about making peace with ourselves. We may not love everything about ourselves right now, but by choosing not to hate who we are, we can free up the energy to grow into someone we are proud of—one step at a time.